She has done a great work in treating oral submucous fibrosis patients where the tobacco abuse has affected a vast percentage of the population. It is a chronic debilitating disease of the oral cavity characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of the submucosal tissues due to the constant long standing consumption of tobacco in any form especially chewable ones. Oral submucous fibrosis is a premalignant disorder that results in marked rigidity and eventually leads to inability to open mouth. She has successfully treated various patients suffering from the advanced stages of this disease where the treatment involves complete resection of fibrous bands intraorally and reconstruction using multiple options available ranging from human amniotic membrane(HAM), buccal pad of fat to local and regional flaps including nasolabial and platysma muscle flaps. She has contributed in this field by doing various researches comparing the viability of flaps and advocating adjuncts to mouth opening procedures and got her work published at various national level.